Sunday, February 28, 2010

Exhibition Theme Ideas


Rotting, decaying, decomposing. The end of something OR the beginning into a new existence as a new form.

- We as humans often function as a hive in out behavior.
- Another view could be the plight of the honey bee right now, or both of these ideas joined in some way.
- Maybe architectural projects could be used as well that have this feeling.

Drawing, photography or painting that is sculptural; or sculpture that references painting or drawing.

Showing of the class portfolios. Best few from each student. Showing the diversity of our class. How would each student design their section of the over all exhibit.

Work since the turn of the century that addresses the technological advances of the time.

Simplicity can sometimes be harder than a large complex design. Lending interest to something basic, simple is a challenge.

The barrier between vulnerable and the outside world. Protection. Risk.


A collage of fabric materials hanging from the inside of a box. Everything decorated outside of the box will be materials. I will try and make pictures out of the materials surrounding the box (maybe a globe of the world or just patterns of some sort). It will be very colorful and with a lot of glitz. And this may change drastically.

Work about place. Site-specific or community meditated. Work that engages the gallery space, investigates the gallery within the context of the school, city or area or engages the community.

Graffiti and art influenced by street vernacular, tattoo and alternative subcultures.


Physical, emotional, spiritual. Superficial or deep. The connection between two forms or beings.

Literal, figuratively - people wear different "hats".

Self-reflection, self-portrait, introspective/outer appearance, water, glass, m irror, metal > lens, eye.

Physical, to emerge, things hidden beneath the surface, face value, superficial

50 or Fifty
Units of time-space-quantities. 50 days, 50 hours, 50 seconds, 50 meters, 50 months, 50 years, 50 inches, 50 feet, 50 liters, 50 sides, 50 lbs, 50 oz, 50 whatever. 5 (five) 0 (zero)

Starting over, fixing what is broken into something new. Building upon whats already there.

The Machine
A working creation, product of destruction. man's illusion of a forever moving clock.

Paint these hands with life

With our own hands we construct what is already here. With art we make life beautiful. We create, construct, built in better color.

Eyeline your camera lens

Focus on the sense of how you capture what you see through your eyes, creating a picture of meaning; or something so little but what you know is there you want to show others.

This exhibition would be about ideas of exclusion. It would consider that citizens, hobbyists, athletes, artists, restaurateurs, musicians, politicians, physicians, scholars and scientists all seem to be specialists but at the same time part of a general mass of "everyone". Because of this, it might be considered, what is an inclusive body of interest or practice. Most modern people assume that "money" and monetary application create the respectable example of various masters and practitioners. Or maybe espionage does it better? Or maybe quality creation? Or a private and secret practice and meeting? Why would or should some practitioners be excluded? Is exclusion ever fair? Is fairness even regarded as a valid consideration when looking at "mass" desire and appropriateness and class? If fairness has nothing to do with various types of applicable ways and means, then does happiness? Rhetoric is still the fairest way to gather and display "everyone".
It might be interesting to create an exhibition showing how different "everyones" have done bad things to one another?

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