Friday, January 15, 2010

Lucy Knisley + Erika Moen: Girl Comix!

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Hi everyone! One of the artists in the current gallery exhibition, Marc Bell, is a personal favorite as well as a huge inspiration. He is a Canadian cartoonist who has self-published many underground comics (also known as Comix) and greatly influences my own comic work (which you can see at Marc Bell also has his own blogspot where you can see more of his work!

I also wanted to share other cartoonists who publish webcomics online as well as independent comics and books. Two favorites are Lucy Knisley and Erika Moen.

Lucy Knisley has a blog at were she publishes comics and songs. A favorite book of hers that I own (and would love to bring to class to share if anyone is interested) is French Milk -- a travel-comic about Lucy and her mother reconnecting in France while experiencing a milestone birthday together. You can see more of her work on

Erka Moen has just recently ended her journal-comic, DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Diary. Her work speaks about gender identity in our extremely duo-gender-centric society as she herself faces multiple gender crises throughout her life.

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