Hey everyone! Adrienne, Laura, Xiao (??? Sorry....can't spell) and...uh...Nate? Zack? I dunno. Thanks for showing up at the Faculty Show installation. It was loads of fun and pretty quirky by the end of the night. Laura! I owe you lunch!
Update on my project: I finally got all the footage I will be using for my performance. Went to Skid Row today. It was much less dangerous than the last time I was there (5+ years ago) but still just as depressing. I should have a rough edit to post for everyone to see by Wednesday-ish.
Just a few questions to the class as a whole. Will we be serving food + drinks at the opening? How will we fund this? Who will prepare, etc. Will we be playing music? What, who and how?
Also, don't forget about the Faculty Show opening on Tuesday 6pm-8pm! ((Is this right, Habib? I have the worst memory.)) The art club is usually there but more hands are always needed to help set up and clean up. Plus, you get hours for class. If you will be helping to set-up, be there by 5:30pm. Helping to clean-up, 8pm.
Lastly, in reply to Habib's email. I am all for the Artwalk project.